Cloud-based software
To make your business far more efficient
Cloud Services
Microsoft 365, Office 365, Microsoft Azure, Virtual Machines, Dropbox Business
As cyberthreats grow in number and sophistication, businesses today must take every precaution to safeguard their business assets.
Arrow IT can help with advanced security solutions from Microsoft, whose technology offers built-in, enterprise-grade protection—so you won’t have to worry about it.
From advanced data protection to solutions that help you recover quickly from unexpected events, Microsoft technology is designed to help safeguard your business.

Get advanced data protection, built-in at every level of your IT
Easier security for PCs & devices
Log in to PCs and devices quickly and easily using enterprise-grade security features like Windows
Hello facial and fingerprint recognition—and Two-factor Authentication for added protection.
Automatic threat protection, PC to cloud
Get up-to-date anti-malware protection with Office 365 and Microsoft Azure.
Get built-in threat protection on PCs and devices with Windows Defender.
Detect and alert security breaches with Advanced Threat Analytics (ATA) in the Enterprise Mobility
+ Security (EMS).
Built-in mobile data protection
Take your Windows mobile device to and from work and know sensitive data is protected with built-in
encryption capabilities like Enterprise Data Protection and BitLocker.
Protection that follows your data
Track sensitive data you send in email and selectively prevent actions like editing, copying, or printing
with Azure Rights Management in Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS).
Reduce risk with easier compliance
Business controls to help ensure compliant behaviour
Office 365 includes controls that help you stay compliant, like Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Policy Tips,
which trigger an alert when sensitive information is about to be sent via email.
PC and device compliance with Windows 10
Windows 10 can be deployed in a compliant manner, as Microsoft is continually working to deliver
technology that helps customers meet the latest industry and regional certifications.
Compliance-ready cloud
Meet a range of country and industry compliance requirements with Microsoft Azure and Office 365,
which are independently verified to maintain compliance with a broad range of standards.